Monday, January 4, 2010

We're going to the chaple and we're gonna get married

Darcy proposed. We're getting married. I am prepared to be totally shameless in this blog about posting girly excited fantasy wedding ideas and such. Lets start with rings.

We got a solitaire for the stone and so I would have something to wear during the process of looking at all of the rings in Annapolis and surrounding area. This would have been easier if Darcy had just picked one, but it's kind of nice to get the pick a piece of jewelry that I'll wear for the rest of my life.
I like this one in platinum a whole lot, it is one of the top contenders. The other one I cant find online. Drat. It has surprised diamonds on the sides, which I am a fan of.

We're thinking late August or early September for a wedding, depending on what the weather in Europe around then will be for honeymoon type adventures.

I don't want a ridiculous wedding, our main goal really is just to have a wonderful party with all the people that we love. I want to make my dress (that could become a little ridiculous) and to have an open bar and dancing.

I am Very Excited.

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